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Eternal Race by
Natalie McMillan

Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior initiated a start pistol to the race of a lifetime! Timing differs for everyone. It is not an easy race. And a personal choice to enter and exit the race.  But the blessing is that once we enter, the race is tailor made for the runner. So, all the physical attributes that we rely on in the world, like strength, speed, position, even timing are irrelevant. The winner is the one who enters and has the heart to keep going until they reach the finish line! Eternal Race is for the believer who knows that keeping the spiritual heart at its best requires checkups. This book will challenge you with the hardest question that should remain on the hearts and minds of believers who have been living and believing (running) any length of time: Do you STILL have the heart to run this race?

God brings salvation to people through the work of the Holy Spirit, who is poured out richly through Jesus Christ.

Titus 3:5

About Mz.Natalie

After a quiet night putting her rambunctious kids to bed, Mz. Natalie experienced a life-changing moment—a deep, calming voice calling her name and saying, “It’s your season.” What followed was a divine assignment to “listen and record,” a calling that has shaped her life for over 20 years. Through speaking engagements, books, music, and social media, she shares profound insights on living in a temporal world while serving an eternal God. Her message is simple yet powerful: Knowledge comes from many sources. Wisdom comes from ONE…GOD!

Emotional Grace is a poem written by Mz. Natalie and set to music. It summarizes the understanding that our feelings and emotions are to be embraced as gifts received in the creation process. Understanding that first, allows for processing and healing when necessary. Having them does not make us weak. It makes us human. Extending one another grace makes us extraordinary!