It all began with a call... That I answered.
It occurred one night after putting my children to bed. The house was unusually quiet because my children were young then and very rambunctious even after they’d been warned to go to bed. I’d dozed off to sleep when I heard a voice. It was deep, distinctive, calming and firm saying, “Natalie wake up!” It repeated that phrase twice before I sat up yelling “Ya’ll better get in the bed!” My children and I were the only physcal beings in the house, so it had to be one of them calling me. Until I heard the voice again, “Natalie wake up! It’s your season.” Immediately I shot back “Who is that?” as I pulled the covers up to my shoulders. There was no physical body, just a voice, that called me by name! I could hear it clearly and ‘feel’ the presence of it too. There was no mistake someone was speaking! “It is I, your Lord!”
That was the night, I received my assignment, my purpose “to listen and record” After that, I and the Lord spoke regularly, we still do. And I listen….and record!
Mz. Natalie has walked in her assignment delivering profound insight to living in a temporal world while serving an infinite God with an eternal end game over twenty years! She has done so in speaking engagements across the country, on social media platforms, books, music, and videos. Her mission is to “tell them (whomever God puts in her way)” until God calls her home!
“If there is ONE message I could leave the world it is this: Knowledge comes from many sources. Wisdom comes from ONE…GOD! People will judge you by how much power, fame, or money you have gained in life. And that judgment can go only as far as you allow it to. However, God will judge the heart and how much understanding is within it. His judgment will last forever…. In ALL thy getting, get an UNDERSTANDING!”