Spiritual Gifts
GOD: Each of you, as believers, have this power by My Word and in My Son’s name. It is your weapon against Satan’s biggest weapons of sickness, disease and death. But there are some with the gift of healing through touch; others through knowledge, and even fewer still, with both! Those with both harness the power of the Great I AM. There is one who has been given an extraordinary gift of healing in your world. I cannot reveal him to you or anyone else at this time Natalie. To do so, would cause many grave dangers. His time for manifestation has not come. NATALIE: Why did you tell me even this Father? GOD: You have asked for wisdom child. When your petition was granted, it came with much responsibility. Nothing is by accident Natalie. This will come back to you at a needed hour. NATALIE: What is the gift of miraculous powers (amplified version) (working of miracles-KJVpublic domain)? GOD: This is a gift to move things, situations and people of your world without touch. NATALIE: Give me an example Lord?